Dr Yu Zhang is an associate professor in the Machine Learning Lab at the College of Computer Science and Technology of Jilin University. He is the director of the Mathematical Modeling course. He also teaches courses such as C#, .NET, Machine Learning, and Computing Methods.

He was a visiting scholar at Indiana University School of Medicine from July 2018 to Auguest 2019 and a visiting scholar at University of Georgia from July 2011 to July 2012. He received his bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral degree in Mathematics from Jilin University.

In addition to algorithms, he also specializes in a variety of computer languages and software engineering techniques. As a bioinformatics researcher, he is accumulating reputation for developing computer programs.

He is now responsible for the research on Biclustering-based study of alternative drug resistance mechanisms on cancer drug screening and clinical transcriptomics data [Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) under Grant No. 61972175, 2020.01 - 2023.12, Funding: 590,000 CNY].

Recent Publications

Li, Y.; Wei, L.; Wang, C.; Zhao, J.; Han, S.; Zhang, Y.; Du, W. LPInsider: A Webserver for LncRNA–Protein Interaction Extraction from the Literature. BMC bioinformatics 2022, 23 (1), 1–15, (C|3.169|Q23|4区).
Du, W.; Zhao, X.; Sun, Y.; Zheng, L.; Li, Y.; Zhang, Y. SecProCT: In Silico Prediction of Human Secretory Proteins Based on Capsule Network and Transformer. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 2021, 22 (16), 9054, (5.923|Q12|2区).
Xie, J.; Ma, A.; Zhang, Y.; Liu, B.; Cao, S.; Wang, C.; Xu, J.; Zhang, C.; Ma, Q. QUBIC2: A Novel and Robust Biclustering Algorithm for Analyses and Interpretation of Large-Scale RNA-Seq Data. Bioinformatics 2020, 36 (4), 1143–1149, (B|6.937|Q1|3区).
Zhang, Y.; Wan, C.; Wang, P.; Chang, W.; Huo, Y.; Chen, J.; Ma, Q.; Cao, S.; Zhang, C. M3S: A Comprehensive Model Selection for Multi-Modal Single-Cell RNA Sequencing Data. BMC bioinformatics 2019, 20 (24), 1–5, (C|3.169|Q23|4区).
Wan, C.; Chang, W.; Zhang, Y.; Shah, F.; Lu, X.; Zang, Y.; Zhang, A.; Cao, S.; Fishel, M. L.; Ma, Q. LTMG: A Novel Statistical Modeling of Transcriptional Expression States in Single-Cell RNA-Seq Data. Nucleic acids research 2019, 47 (18), e111–e111, (16.971|Q1|2区).
Peng, C.; Wu, X.; Yuan, W.; Zhang, X.; Zhang, Y.; Li, Y. MGRFE: Multilayer Recursive Feature Elimination Based on an Embedded Genetic Algorithm for Cancer Classification. IEEE/ACM transactions on computational biology and bioinformatics 2019, 18 (2), 621–632.
Han, S.; Liang, Y.; Ma, Q.; Xu, Y.; Zhang, Y.; Du, W.; Wang, C.; Li, Y. LncFinder: An Integrated Platform for Long Non-Coding RNA Identification Utilizing Sequence Intrinsic Composition, Structural Information and Physicochemical Property. Briefings in bioinformatics 2019, 20 (6), 2009–2027, (B|11.622|Q1|2区).
Zhang, Y.; Cao, S.; Zhao, J.; Alsaihati, B.; Ma, Q.; Zhang, C. MRHCA: A Nonparametric Statistics Based Method for Hub and Co-Expression Module Identification in Large Gene Co-Expression Network. Quantitative Biology 2018, 6 (1), 40–55, (C).
Guan, R.; Wang, X.; Yang, M. Q.; Zhang, Y.; Zhou, F.; Yang, C.; Liang, Y. Multi-Label Deep Learning for Gene Function Annotation in Cancer Pathways. Scientific reports 2018, 8 (1), 1–9, (4.379|Q1|3区).
Chang, W.; Wan, C.; Zhang, Y.; So, K.; Richardson, B.; Sun, Y.; Zhang, X.; Huang, K.; Zhang, A.; Lu, X. ICTD: Inference of Cell Types and Deconvolution—a next Generation Deconvolution Method for Accurate Assess Cell Population and Activities in Tumor Microenvironment. bioRxiv 2018, 2018.
Zhang, Y.; Xie, J.; Yang, J.; Fennell, A.; Zhang, C.; Ma, Q. QUBIC: A Bioconductor Package for Qualitative Biclustering Analysis of Gene Co-Expression Data. Bioinformatics 2017, 33 (3), 450–452, (B|6.937|Q1|3区).
Li, Y.; Shi, X.; Liang, Y.; Xie, J.; Zhang, Y.; Ma, Q. RNA-TVcurve: A Web Server for RNA Secondary Structure Comparison Based on a Multi-Scale Similarity of Its Triple Vector Curve Representation. BMC bioinformatics 2017, 18 (1), 1–11, (C|3.169|Q23|4区).
Li, Y.; He, Y.; Zhang, Y. Analyzing Gene Expression Time-Courses Based on Multi-Resolution Shape Mixture Model. Mathematical Biosciences 2016, 281, 74–81, (2.144|Q3|4区).
Cui, J.; Yin, Y.; Ma, Q.; Wang, G.; Olman, V.; Zhang, Y.; Chou, W.-C.; Hong, C. S.; Zhang, C.; Cao, S. Comprehensive Characterization of the Genomic Alterations in Human Gastric Cancer. International journal of cancer 2015, 137 (1), 86–95, (7.396|Q1|1区).
Chang, Z.; Li, G.; Liu, J.; Zhang, Y.; Ashby, C.; Liu, D.; Cramer, C. L.; Huang, X. Bridger: A New Framework for de Novo Transcriptome Assembly Using RNA-Seq Data. Genome biology 2015, 16 (1), 1–10, (13.583|Q1|1区).
Mao, X.; Chen, X.; Zhang, Y.; Pangle, S.; Xu, Y. CINPER: An Interactive Web System for Pathway Prediction for Prokaryotes. PloS one 2012, 7 (12), e51252, (3.24|Q2|3区).
Mao, X.; Zhang, Y.; Xu, Y. SEAS: A System for SEED-Based Pathway Enrichment Analysis. PLOS one 2011, 6 (7), e22556, (3.24|Q2|3区).